Policymaker Resources
14 Dec 2022
Supporting Contractors’ Career Development in the Future of Work
The digital acceleration and increase in the flexibility of work arrangements spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in contractor utilization by U.S. companies, large and small. This increase occurs against the backdrop of several macroeconomic and technological forces that, taken together, support the increasing utilization of contractors in the labor market.
9 Nov 2022
Veteran-Owned New Businesses Doubled In 2021 & Are Growing in 2022
2021 saw one of the highest number of new business starts in the US – more than 5.4M. Gusto—which runs payroll and benefits for 200,000+ businesses nationwide— surveyed business owners that started-up in 2021 to better understand who started businesses and why during an ongoing pandemic and economic uncertainty.
27 Apr 2021
Webinar: Helping Women Return to the Workforce, with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
On Tuesday, April 27th, PPI hosted a webinar with special guest Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on policies to help women return to the workforce following the devastating effect of the pandemic on women’s labor force participation.
7 Jul 2014
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Workforce Programs
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Workforce Programs:
1. Actively engage local business
2. Use labor market data to drive decisions
3. Treat education like a job
4. Connect people to careers
5. Provide wrap-around student services
6. Tap innovative funding sources
7. Embrace Evaluation