Modern Economy Project applauds the focus of the Administration’s recent proposal
September 13, 2022 — Modern Economy Project
WASHINGTON – The Modern Economy Project – a broad coalition of stakeholders focused on bipartisan policy solutions that promote economic opportunity through modern jobs, modern employers, and a modern government – released the following statement on the Administration’s Economic Blueprint.
“We applaud the Administration for its focus on modernizing the economy and improving the lives of America’s workers. As the nation recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, our economy must truly work for everyone.
“Investing in infrastructure to make America the global leader in clean energy jobs and innovation will help create modern, good-paying jobs – and promoting small businesses and entrepreneurs, including minority and women business owners, will lift up more Americans to ensure our shared prosperity.
“With inflation still remaining painfully high for many Americans, we must work to achieve true prosperity by ensuring that their wages are adequate to cover the cost of living.
“We look forward to continuing to work with the Administration to bridge the divide between government, business, and workers.”
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